Home Visits & After Hours Medical Attention

Call 000 immediately and ask for an ambulance if your life or someone else’s life is in danger.

The Clinic provides 24 hour care for patients through a roster of Doctors from this Practice. Please contact the Clinic on 03 5622 3377 for the Doctor on call.

For Afterhours emergencies you can call 0447 638 979 and speak to our Doctor on call.  Fees apply to after hour phone consultations

Home Visits

Although the preference is for patients to attend the clinic, Doctors and other practice staff will make visits to regular patients of our practice where it is safe and reasonable. These visits may be to patients in their homes, residential aged care facility, residential care facility, or hospital both within and outside normal opening hours where such visits are deemed safe, and where the patients are acutely ill, immobile and elderly or have no means of transport to the practice. Please contact our practice on 56 22 33 77 for eligibility and fees.

If you or a loved one needs to see a doctor urgently (and it’s not life-threatening), but your GP is closed, to request a booking for an after hours doctor home visit, refer to below:

Other contacts include:
Nurse-on-Call on 1300 60 60 24

For urgent matters:

Call 000 for an Ambulance

Baw Baw Priority Primary Care Centre

If you need urgent care and it’s not an emergency. Baw Baw PPCC is opened from 8am to Midnight Monday to Friday at Central Clinic Warragul 170 Normanby Street, Warragul 3820 call 03 5642 6655.

For more information Baw Baw PPCC - Central Clinic - Warragul and Drouin

Other Contacts

Nurse on Call 1300 606 024

HeadtoHealth 1800 595 212

Beyond Blue 1800 512 348

MensLine 1300 789 978

KidsLine 1800 551 800

1800 Respect 1800 737 732

(National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service)

HealthAccess 1800 272 767